Lekda Thai Massage and Wellness


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Thank you for your trust in us. We look forward to welcoming your loved one and providing them with a memorable experience.

Gift Vouchers Terms and Conditions of Use

Validity: The voucher will be valid for 12 months from the date of issuance. Redemption: The voucher can only be redeemed for a one-time usage. No Cash Value: The voucher has no cash value and cannot be exchanged for cash or any other alternative. Cancellation Policy: Purchases can only be cancel within one month of purchase. Additional Charges: Any charges beyond the voucher’s value, such as taxes or gratuities, need to be paid separately or at time of booking. Lost or Stolen  Vouchers: The establishment is not responsible for lost or stolen vouchers and will not replace or refund them. Terms Subject to Change:  The terms and conditions may change without notice, but such changes should be communicated to customers.

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